ASEANET - The ASEAN Network on Taxonomy
ASEANET - The ASEAN Network on Taxonomy
Training Workshop on Diagnostics of Weevils of Quarantine Importance
Date: 10 - 22 Jul 2017
In this workshop, we aim to teach the participants how to identify weevils with economic importance, and the importance of taxonomy and ecology in managing or controlling pests such as weevils. Also, participants will be able to learn techniques in identification based on morphology and DNA sequences.

This workshop is coordinated by Crop Protection Cluster, College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines Los Banos through the ASEAN Plant Health Cooperation Network (APHCN) of ASEANET project on "Taxonomy capacity building to support market access for agricultural trade in the ASEAN region." This project is funded by the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF) that will be implemented for 2017 covering several activities related to training and attachment programs.

This workshop aims to provide the participants basic knowledge, understanding, and practical skills on the importance of taxonomy, biology, and ecology of weevils in the context of pest management. The training course will cover the following topics: basic taxonomy, biology, ecology, identification and collection techniques, and basic DNA barcoding techniques of weevils with quarantine importance. Likewise, participants will also be taught of proper pest management strategies of these weevils.

ASEANET - The ASEAN Network on Taxonomy
ASEANET - The ASEAN Network on Taxonomy
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